
More iFanboy.com Red Hulk Goodness

Ron Richards, Conor Kilpatrick, and Josh Flanagan of iFanboy.com are at it once again, discussing the Red Hulk saga at length on their site. Pay particular attention to the below segment. Hail to the King, baby.

Read or download the whole deal now at the main page for the video podcast at iFanboy.

Here's the link to the original post on iFanboy.com as well as the one Ron read in the first place, if you're not sick of seeing it already.

And if you're not reading Jeff Parker and Gabe Hardman's new run on HULK...what's stopping you?


Hulk Vs. the World: Avengers Micro-sode!

Enjoy, folks! More Hulk and non-Hulk news coming later!



"Thunderbolt" Ross, hit by Cathexis Ray, turns into the Hulk (HULK #25 Review)

You've seen my interview with new Hulk writer Jeff Parker earlier this week! Now that the issue in question is finally out, you had to ask, what did I think of it? Wonder no more...

Hulk #25
"Scorched Earth, Part One: Singularity"

Writer: Jeff Parker
Artists: Gabriel Hardman, Mark Robinson & Terry Pallot
Colorists: Bettie Breitweiser & Antonio Fabela
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Production: Irene Lee
Associate Editor: Nathan Cosby
Editor: Mark Paniccia
Publisher: Marvel Comics

Well, it's here. The era of writer Jeph Loeb and artist Ed McGuinness is passed (even though Ed's still rocking it on covers!), and the era of new writer Jeff Parker and artist Gabriel Hardman has begun. After ex-General Thaddeus Ross' defeat by the original incredible Hulk in last month's climax to "World War Hulks," where can we go from here? The answer is, we apparently begin the long, bumpy road to redemption, courtesy one former shield-slinging Avenger, and the man whose invention of the G-bomb made it all possible, that's what!

Unequivocally, this series has changed drastically, and has done so overnight. The changes Jeff and Gabe have made from the previous team are so jarring, they may alienate the fans of the slam-bang storytelling style that was the title's hallmark for the last two-and-a-half years. Gone is the scripting that half the time reads as an afterthought, replaced by actual, meat-and-potatoes, literate storytelling. Gone too is the fluid, kinetic, cartoony art style that was an obvious draw. The question remains--is the sum total any good?

Having dispensed with the main thrust of the title--"Who is the Red Hulk?"--now we've got General Ross on a mission of redemption. Jeff Parker plays up the most interesting aspects of the character here, and it's in no way disappointing. Ross is the military man without a mission, which already casts him in a far different light than Bruce Banner. Thanks to Banner, in fact, he can never return to his old life, because the world believes him dead. Unlike Banner, whose secret was revealed to the world quite early, no one outside a select few are aware that Ross is the Red Hulk, which adds an additional layer of complexity. Plus, there's the ever-reliable plot trope of having heroes under the belief that the Red Hulk is still a bad guy, which leads to a key complication in the first issue's narrative (for which you need look no further than the cover).

The story itself works well to advance Ross' character, wisely centering on his newfound association with the foremost "military man" of the Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers, as well as his always-tumultuous relationship with his son-in-law Banner. The doomsday scenario created by the Leader and M.O.D.O.K., aptly titled "Scorched Earth," is examined in exacting detail, yet it doesn't feel laborious. In fact, it sets up multiple storytelling opportunities, which I'm told will play out in books like Thunderbolts over coming months, as well as in the Rick Jones "A-Bomb" backup tales that begin this issue. Interestingly, one of the things that made the General Ross Hulk unique is lost in this issue. I can see why Parker did it, but still, it makes the Red Hulk even more a slavish copy of the green Hulk, at least in terms of power. However, the rest of the story more than makes up for my disapproval, and Iron Man is handled appropriately (as he wouldn't remember fighting Red Hulk previously--see recent issues of his own mag) and well included in this technological threat Ross faces.

If Jeff Parker's writing advances the narrative itself beyond adolescent smash-'em-ups, then artist Gabriel Hardman's work is near-revelatory in propelling the book into ultra-modern superheroics. It's scratchy work reminiscent of draftsmen like Michael Lark and Alex Maleev, yet filtered through the more action-oriented sensibilities of Sal and John Buscema. Add to it the muted, but no less powerful color palette of Bettie Breitweiser, and you've got a book that looks nothing like the McGuinness riffing of previous issues.

The Rick Jones "A-Bomb" story follows on one of the threats introduced during the main story. Also written by Parker, it's more lighthearted in tone, a combination of the character of Rick Jones as well as the artwork of Mark Robinson, which is very expressive. There isn't much story here, yet, but the further adventures of Rick as A-Bomb should serve as a much-needed, fun counterpoint to the irascible General Ross as Red Hulk in months to come.

The first issue of the new Hulk under Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman is a solid success in my book, balancing strong characterization with all that's needed to come in fresh to this series after the departure of the previous team. Hardman and back-up artist Robinson fill their roles especially well, and Bettie Breitweiser shines with her color work. I'm saddened to see these fine folks leave the amazing Atlas, but on the strength of this issue, I don't want to see them leave Hulk anytime soon. The Red Hulk is here to stay, and I never thought I'd say this, but he's finally got a stellar, if less than high-profile, team behind him. I can only hope this series is the one that brings Parker, Hardman and Breitweiser the commercial success to match their critical reception.

Rating: Highly Recommended!


Red Hulk District: A Jeff Parker HULK interview!


Here's the bonus I promised last week--click the above link and you'll see my interview with new Hulk writer, Jeff Parker, who is teaming this Wednesday with Gabriel Hardman to produce the new adventures of "Thunderbolt" Ross, the Red Hulk.

I'll be back later this week with more fun news!



Incredible Hulks #613: A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action...Please?

Well, I've had enough time to sit and digest the book in question, and soon enough I'll be mailing out another Daily P.O.P. exclusive interview, but for now, you lucky ducks get my review for parts 3 and 4 of "Dark Son" in Incredible Hulks #613!

The Incredible Hulks #613

Writers: Greg Pak & Scott Reed
Artists: Tom Raney, Scott Hanna, Brian Ching & Victor Olazaba
Colorists: John Rauch & Jorge Maese
Letterers: Simon Bowland
Production: Irene Lee
Assistant Editor: Jordan D. White
Editor: Mark Paniccia
Publisher: Marvel Comics

I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. That was my first thought when I finished this issue--or, at least, the "K'ai" segment of this issue. The rest, well, that's what you're here for, isn't it?

After last issue, the Worldmind found it just couldn't take Hiro-Kala's whining any longer, attacking him deep inside the planet K'ai. Meanwhile, the newly-resurrected Betty Ross made it clear she didn't want to be married to Bruce...but what does the Hulk have to say about it? This issue thankfully keeps the positive momentum going, following up on both of these key plot points. Some efforts are more successful than others.

Firstly, it's a credit to the editors, or whoever made the decision to put the "K'ai" section of this issue ahead of the "Earth" section. It serves as a reminder that for this arc, the K'ai stories are not mere "back-up" tales, but vital pieces of the story being told. However, where at first I was enthusiastic about the ramp-up to Hiro-Kala's arrival in our solar system, it appears this saga has very quickly degenerated into another contest of "How badass can we make the bad guy who still had a shred of sympathy going for him?" Here, writers Pak and Reed make it clear there is no going back, that Hiro-Kala is irredeemably evil, and we can ignore all the times he's been framed to be the misunderstood good guy who's doing the right thing no matter what everyone else thinks. On the one hand, I suppose it's fitting that the Hulk has one son who is unremittingly evil, in the way Brian Banner thought young Bruce was, because it's just not a good plan to run the same plot twice (the first with Skaar). On the other hand, Hiro-Kala's characterization and deeds are just so over the top as to be cartoonish. Really, I'm just relieved this separate section of the stories is over, and that Hiro-Kala's collision course with the Hulks will be folded into the regular stories next issue.

By great contrast, the "Earth" story in the back of this issue picks up wonderfully from the last issue, advancing the narrative on all points. Last month, we found out where Bruce and Betty stood in their tumultuous relationship; this month, Greg Pak mines the territory of Hulk and Red She-Hulk. You know it's going to be fun when our first glimpse of Hulk has him telling someone else to calm down! In some ways this encounter is just what you'd expect, and in some ways it's even stranger. The narrative also mines the Hulk's own characterization, and does it very well. Although much speculation followed the final effort by Jeph Loeb in Hulk #24 as to which incarnation we'd be dealing with herein, I think the question is safely settled here: we are indeed dealing with the "Gravage" Hulk, the Green Scar, the version seen throughout "Planet Hulk" and World War Hulk. Let's face it: Banner could never carry off calling people "stupid" well, and rarely is as curt as this Hulk. This Hulk has something to live for, and although some would argue it takes away a certain edge to the character, I should remind those fans we've got four whole issues left to this super-saga.

Of course, there must be more to this saga than pure characterization and setup, and it starts to move forward here, first with a very Silver Age-y opening to this chapter that evokes the ridiculousness of the 50s-era Superman tales. It ramps up again at the end of the issue, with an offer courtesy Steve Rogers and Amadeus Cho that pertains to said opening. The Hulk's reaction to their news and offer fits right in his character in light of the last few years' worth of events, and is only outdone by that other shoe dropping, courtesy of his son Skaar. The last page is instantly classic, and leads us squarely into next issue.

All in all, this is a decent package, but I'd be afraid those more casual fans reading from the front on back might be bored rather quickly at the Hiro-Kala chapter. Venturing beyond the staples increases one's enjoyment considerably. The artwork by Brian Ching in the first half is brilliantly moody and dark (which fits a storyline called "Dark Son") which contrasts greatly with the bright colors and almost "feelgood" vibe that Tom Raney sets forth in the second. That said, as much as I'm enjoying Raney and Ching, I'm quite anxious to see Barry Kitson take the reins in next month's issues, and I'm confident that Kitson will bring his "A"-game as the story itself elevates to the next level.

Hulks in space? It looks like we're going to get more than our fill these next few months! Thankfully, the "Earth" stories in these last two issues of The Incredible Hulks have made it clear, we're in for a rollickin' ride, at least as far as the complex relationships between our protagonists!

Rating: Recommended (Not quite what #612 was, but close!)



(Enigma) Forcing the Issue: An Interview with Scott Reed

I told everyone I'd have something special for them this week, and this is it! (That other special thing? Elsewhere, maybe over the weekend. I'm working on it!)


Recently, I had the opportunity to ask some questions of writer/artist Scott Reed, who began his pro career as an inker at Malibu Comics, then came to prominence in his webcomic series, The Last Odyssey, as well as Image Comics' The Overman. Editor Mark Paniccia brought him aboard the Hulk's corner of the Marvel Universe to write this year's Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk - The Conquest of Jarella's World, alongside artist Miguel Munera, and he's not looking back. The Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force #1, the first in a three-issue limited series, was released this Wednesday at comic shops everywhere, and Scott was happy to talk about the project. Here we go!

DELUSIONAL HONESTY: How did the plan for Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force and, for that matter, its predecessor Son of Hulk: The Conquest of Jarella's World come about?

SCOTT REED: Conquest of Jarella’s World was a tie-in with the Realm of Kings storyline, but it sort of broke away from that toward the end and helped set the stage for the current "Dark Son" story happening in Incredible Hulks. Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force helps serve the "Dark Son" story, but like the Son of Hulk mini-series before it, Enigma Force has a life of its own.

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DH: For those picking up Enigma Force cold, tell us a little about what's been happening with these characters?

SR: The Enigma Force are a new incarnation of the familiar Microverse heroes from the original comic book series. They are still cosmic freedom fighters of the Microverse. The team still lives aboard the gigantic Homeworld Microship Endeavor, and they're still led by Commander Arcturus Rann. But there's been some changes over the years. Arcturus and Princess Marionette are divorced, and literally at war with each other. The newest member is Carl, a quirky Deaths Head 3.0 who’s not your run-of-the-mill killing machine. And then there's Jentorra, a young sorceress-in-training from the planet K’ai, who happens to be completely infatuated with Arcturus. As for Arcturus, he not only has women problems, but he must find a way to save planet K’ai from Hiro-Kala, even if it means revealing a horrific and deadly secret from his past. And that truth could do more than destroy his heroic reputation, but could actually obliterate the planet itself.

DH: It sounds like you are really building upon the history of the characters. It had been a while since Commander Rann and Marionette last appeared...Peter David's Captain Marvel, perhaps. Whose idea was it to bring them back to the Marvel Universe?

SR: Mark Paniccia brought the idea to me about the Microverse characters, and that he wanted to use them as a component in the Son of Hulk mini-series. It was a thrill to write those characters, but to do it again in this Enigma Force mini-series is a great opportunity to further expand the characters. The Enigma Force are really put to the test this time around, and as a result, we learn a lot about who they are and what they are capable of.

DH: Will we be seeing any other familiar faces in Enigma Force? On the first issue's cover, it sure looks like Rann & Mari's old friend, Bug, is there.

SR: Yep, he's back. But you'll have to find out for yourself the how's and why's of that one.

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DH: That's interesting. So, how much will Enigma Force be crossing into "Dark Son" in Incredible Hulks?

SR: This mini-series is an additional layer to the Incredible Hulks' "Dark Son," and as I mentioned, it’s designed to serve that larger story arc. But there's something unique and pretty startling in this mini-series, a threat that only the Enigma Force can face. The team are forced to rely on the help of a deadly enemy to survive, which calls into question all sorts of doubts and suspicions.

DH: If the first issue's any indication, that's some interesting enemy. The last miniseries and this one contain certain elements from the Harlan Ellison/Roy Thomas Jarella tales, and Commander Rann & co. from Bill Mantlo's work. Were you a fan of those stories and characters before writing these series?

SR: I'm a big fan of Bill Mantlo's work, period. It’s densely packed with sci-fi greatness, and you really have to do a double-take on some of it, because they weren’t typical super-hero concepts.

DH: Amen to that--I know [Incredible Hulks writer] Greg Pak also has great affection for those tales. What's it like reuniting with Miguel Munera, your artist from the previous Son of Hulk miniseries?

SR: It's the way it should be, I think, because in some ways, Enigma Force is the second act of Conquest of Jarella's World. I'm really happy to see Miguel onboard to keep the story looking so consistently great.

DH: You've helped build up Hiro-Kala, the son of Hulk's legacy a bit, in the previous miniseries, plus the back-up stories in Incredible Hulk, and now co-writing parts of "Dark Son" with original "Planet Hulk" architect Greg Pak. Can you describe how this experience has been for you as a creator?

SR: I came into all of this at Marvel completely ready to not only do my best possible work, but to learn as much as possible in the process. I can certainly say I'm getting an invaluable education as a writer, working with Mark, assistant editor Jordan White and of course Greg.

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DH: It certainly looks like you're enjoying yourself in the process. Do you have any other projects on the horizon?

SR: I'm still hip-deep in writing Enigma Force, and it's almost impossible for me to look too far ahead. I’ll be at the New York Comic Con in October, though, so I may have something new to talk about by then.

DH: I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for talking Enigma Force with me!

Scott was also gracious enough to supply this site with some exclusive preview artwork by Miguel Munera & inker Greg Adams for the next issue of Enigma Force, on sale 10/13/2010! It's peppered throughout this article. Meanwhile, Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force #1 is now on sale at comic shops everywhere, so be sure to grab a copy! Especially if, well, you might want to see these heroes of the Microverse in a regular series of their own again, after all these years...?




Plenty coming up this week!

As New York Comic Con prep begins (a month out, yeah, what about it?), it looks like a fun Hulk-related week, with the release of part 2 of "Dark Son" in INCREDIBLE HULKS #613, as well as the first issue of the 3-part INCREDIBLE HULKS: ENIGMA FORCE mini-series by Scott Reed, Miguel Munera, and Greg Adams, with covers by Carlo Pagulayan. If all goes well, expect some surprises on this blog later this week! As Stan Lee would say, "Hang loose, True Believers! The best is yet to come!"



I Need Your Help! You Need My Comics!

Hi, all!

Your friendly neighborhood blogger (that'd be me) has fallen on some hard times and needs to make some quick cash (bills to pay, mouth to feed, more bills to pay). I also need to make room around here because there's increasingly not enough of it. That's where you guys come in! I'll be editing this list routinely, but here's the starter: nearly 500 comics I just have to let go! I'll be taking orders and Paypal payments at tensen two zero nine nine at yahoo dot com. (Solve the rather obvious riddle and avoid the spambots from nabbing my address.) Rules go a bit like this:
  1. Books are, unless otherwise noted, $1.00 US each. Trades will be forthcoming, and they'll be $5 each.
  2. Books are first printings, regular editions (non variants) unless otherwise noted.
  3. Most books will be around VF-NM condition, but some older books may be less. Some are bagged and boarded, some aren't. You're still getting a deal.
  4. You are responsible for shipping.
  5. E-mail me a list of the books you would like, and I'll send you a Paypal invoice with the total including shipping.
  6. If multiple customers request the same book(s), earliest timestamped email gets the book(s).
  7. If you have any other questions, please ask before ordering.
  8. I'll be sending out generally once or twice a week, between Tuesday and Thursday. Delivery confirmation will be included on all domestic shipments.
Marvel Comics:
  • A Moment of Silence #1
  • Amazing Spider-Man #634, 635, 636, 637 (all Mike Fyles variant covers)
  • Astonishing X-Men #27, 28, 29, 30
  • Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1, 2
  • Avengers: The Initiative #1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
  • Books of Doom #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Dark Avengers #1, 2, 3, 4
  • Dark Reign: Mister Negative #1
  • Dark Reign: The List - Secret Warriors #1
  • Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine #1
  • Deathlok the Demolisher #1
  • Death's Head II (1992 miniseries) #1, 2, 3, 4
  • Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Doctor Voodoo: Origin of Jericho Drumm #1
  • Doomwar #1
  • Dr. Doom & the Masters of Evil #1, 2, 3
  • Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk #1, 2, 3, 4
  • Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulks #2
  • God-Size Thor #1
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2009 series) #1
  • Heralds #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Hulk (2008) #18 (Christmas variant $4), 19 (x2), 22 (2nd print)
  • Incredible Hercules: Assault on New Olympus #1
  • Incredible Hulk #606 (2nd print)
  • Invincible Iron Man (2004) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18
  • Logan's Run #6 (Thanos solo story)
  • Marvel Adventures Super-Heroes #5, 6, 9
  • Marvels Project #1 (70th Anniversary Party Variant)
  • Maximum Security #1
  • Mighty Avengers (2007) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
  • MODOK: Reign Delay #1
  • Ms. Marvel #7, 10, 11
  • Mythos: Ghost Rider #1
  • New Avengers (2004) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 25, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56
  • New Avengers Finale
  • New Avengers: The Illuminati #2
  • New Avengers: The Reunion #1 (Hawkeye & Mockingbird)
  • Nick Fury Vs. SHIELD #1, 2, 3, 4 (signed by Joe Jusko), 5, 6
  • Origins of Siege #1 (50 cents)
  • Patsy Walker: Hellcat #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Punisher War Journal (2006) #2
  • Rom Spaceknight #62
  • Secret Invasion #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Secret Warriors #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Sentry: Fallen Sun #1 (Siege Epilogue)
  • Siege #1
  • Siege: Captain America #1
  • Siege: The Cabal #1
  • Skrull Kill Krew (2009) #1
  • Spider-Man Noir #1
  • Spider-Woman (2009) #1
  • Thor: Man of War #1
  • Ultimate Spider-Man #54 (Arachno-Man variant)_
  • Uncanny X-Men #472, 485, 486
  • War Machine (2009) #1
  • War of Kings #1
  • War of Kings: Darkhawk #1, 2
  • Wolverine: Wendigo! #1
  • X-Men Forever (2009) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • X-Men Noir #1
  • X-Men Origins: Gambit #1
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine #1
  • X-Men: Magik (Abnett/Lanning!) #1, 2, 3, 4
  • Zombie (Marvel MAX) #1, 2, 3, 4
DC Comics:
  • Adventure Comics #0 (50 cents), 1
  • Azrael: Death's Dark Knight #1, 2, 3 (Battle for the Cowl)
  • Batman #676, 677. 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 686 (Neil Gaiman - Alex Ross cover), 687, 700
  • Batman and Robin #1, 2, 3 (Grant Morrison)
  • Batman/Grendel #1, 2 (Devil's Riddle/Devil's Masque)
  • Batman: Cacophony #1 (Kevin Smith)
  • Batman: Castle of the Bat #1 (Elseworlds)
  • Batman: Gotham By Gaslight #1 (Elseworlds)
  • Batman: Streets of Gotham #1
  • Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1
  • Blackest Night #0 (FCBD), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Blackest Night: Batman #1, 2, 3
  • Blackest Night: JSA #1, 2, 3
  • Blackest Night: Superman #1, 2, 3
  • Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1, 2, 3
  • Blackest Night: Titans #1, 2, 3
  • Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #1, 2, 3
  • Detective Comics #821, 822, 823, 825, 826, 827, 829, 830, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 840, 841, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 850, 853 (Neil Gaiman - Kubert cover), 854 (1st Batwoman series), 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864
  • Flash: Rebirth #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Green Lantern (2005) #1 (Pacheco cover), 1 (Alex Ross cover), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
  • Green Lantern Corps (2006) #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14 (2nd print), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35 (reship copy), 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
  • Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Green Lantern: Secret Files & Origins 2005
  • Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage #1, 2
  • iZombie #1
  • Nightwing #150
  • Power Girl #1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Primal Force (1994) #0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
  • Red Robin #1
  • Robin #176
  • Secret Six #17, 18
  • Suicide Squad #67 (Blackest Night)
  • Superman #700
  • Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman #1
  • Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion #1
  • Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax #1
  • Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1
  • War of the Supermen #0 (FCBD)
  • Haunt #1
  • Image Comics Summer Special #1 (FCBD)
  • Madame Mirage #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Madame Mirage: First Look #1
  • Angel Vs. Frankenstein #1
  • Angel: Blood & Trenches #1
Dark Horse:
  • Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #1 (Jim Shooter)
  • FCBD: Doctor Solar & Magnus Robot Fighter #1
  • Solomon Kane (2009) #1 (Kubert cover)
Other Independents:
  • Grave Grrrls #1 (Alex Ross variant)
  • Project Superpowers #1
  • Star Wars #0 (American Entertainment, reprints old Marvel strips)
Please link this page to friends, retweet if you're on Twitter! Thank you, everyone! Hope you find something you like!



Who Was That STATUE I Saw You With...?

Courtesy the excellent eye of my friend Don Weiss Jr. and brought to life by yours truly. I can't believe I didn't see this until tonight! How's this for an old-school Hulk reference?

A coincidence, or one more ode to Bill Mantlo? You decide!



Dark Son: An Incredible Hulks Primer

Good morning, everyone (and afternoon for the East-coasters)!

Once again, I'm branching out off this site and giving you the best Hulk news I can! Visit Jameson Lee's Daily P.O.P. website for today's article featuring the history of the Hulk's second son, Hiro-Kala! I wanted to boil the prior storylines down and give you guys a nice prelude to today's Incredible Hulks #612 release. Hope you all enjoy it, and I'll be around very soon for more fun!

Thanks for reading!
